There is a sinkhole in the woods at the Point, near 18th & Randolph St.
It was caused by a corroded corrugated metal storm sewer pipe that conveys storm water through the woods into Piney Branch Creek.
The pipe collapsed, creating the sinkhole and other erosion in the area.
Commissioner Black, your ANC SMD 4A08 commissioner, has been doing a lot of investigative work on this issue, and reports that the sinkhole is in the process of being repaired.
DC Department of Energy and the Environment (DOEE) is working with the National Park Service (NPS) to get an environmental assessment completed on numerous locations throughout the park.
This storm pipe is located is one of the locations that DOEE would like to rehabilitate utilizing a natural regenerative conveyance system, which will eliminate the need to use a pipe.
DOEE’s project will remove the pipe from the park and convert the manhole at the street to an outfall.
It is estimated is that this work will occur at least is 2 – 3 years in the future.