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2020 Crestwood Turkey Trot

  • Thu, November 26, 2020
  • 9:00 AM
  • Four Safe Ways To Participate!


Registration is closed

2020 Crestwood 

Turkey Trot

This Thanksgiving Day will mark the 5th Annual Crestwood Turkey Trot 5k fun run/1 mile walk! It will look different than those before it, but now more than ever it's important for Crestwood neighbors to run for a cause.

And this time it's a two-fer! All proceeds from the Turkey Trot will go to Rock Creek Conservancy - AND - the Crestwood Citizens Association will donate $5 for each registrant to a local organization helping those that have been affected by COVID-19.

First and foremost, we want everyone to be comfortable and safe, so there are 4 ways to get involved - you choose what works best for you: 

  1. We will have a starting line at 9am at the Triangle at 18th & Argyle as always, but we will have to skip the mingling, coffee, and on-site registration. We'll mark out socially-distant start locations at staggered times between 9am and 9:30am, and masks will be required. 

  2. Run from your home! Map out a 5k run or 1 mile walk from your front door and take off at 9am - you'll be sure to see others running in the neighborhood. Same sense of community, no risk! 

  3. We are going to leave the route signage up all Thanksgiving weekend, so if you don't want to run on Thursday morning, grab your group and run anytime that works for you through Sunday!

  4. Run in spirit! Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. 
All registrations will receive a Crestwood face mask, hand delivered to your home before Thanksgiving.

Registration is $20 per person, online only. There will be no on-site registration. 

All proceeds from this event will benefit Rock Creek Conservancy!

Rock Creek Conservancy exists to restore Rock Creek and its parklands as a natural oasis for all people to appreciate and protect. 

Rock Creek Conservancy is the only organization dedicated solely to Rock Creek and its parks. The creek meanders 33 miles through the Washington metropolitan area, crossing federal lands as well as district, city, county, and state boundaries.  Although parkland borders much of the creek, the surrounding development threatens the health and beauty of these natural areas.  Rock Creek Conservancy is uniquely positioned to foster outreach, education, and efforts to overcome threats to Rock Creek. 

We work through a combination of education and advocacy.  Our strategy is to build partnerships with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, community groups, and residents to work together to preserve Rock Creek for present and future generations.

This website and the Crestwood Citizens Association is supported by the dues of CCA members. Membership has its benefits including access to members-only resources and the knowledge that you are supporting a great neighborhood!

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